
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
We will present on the background/rationale, methods, and findings from our March 2020 JNEB article entitled: Child-Oriented Promotional Features on Cereal Packaging: Associations with Sugar Content and Manufacturer Pledge." This content analysis of cereal box packaging found that products with the highest rates of sugar featured the greatest number of child-oriented marketing features. This was despite industry regulatory guidelines aimed a promoting "healthier" products to children.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Journal Club 10 - Food and Nutrition Knowledge
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
- Sarah E. Vaala, PhD, High Point University
- Matthew Ritter PhD, High Point University
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 1.4 Explain how to use food labeling to evaluate the appropriateness of a
- 1.7 Critically evaluate the claims associated with a research study finding, food product, dietary supplement or eating style based on the nutrition educator’s knowledge of nutrition and the approaches used to study diet-health relationships.
- 5.1 Describe the roles of government agencies in regulating the manufacturing, labeling and advertising of individual foods and dietary supplement
CDR Performance Indicators
- 11.2.1 Evaluates product characteristics, ingredients and claims in order to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements.
- 11.1.4 Interprets and advises on food manufacturing standards, regulatory requirements, policies and national dietary guidelines to inform others and to support product development.
- 8.2 Recognizes and respects the physical, social, cultural, institutional and economic environments of the individual, group and community in practice
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4150 Infancy & Childhood
- 8120 Sales, merchandising
- 9020 Evaluation and application of research

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
This presentation will share the results of a mixed methods approach to evaluating the use of Facebook to engage parents in an nutrition promotion curriculum for Head Start. Attendees will learn about the process to develop and deliver a Facebook-based parent engagement component as a companion to a classroom curriculum. The presentation will highlight features of the intervention that worked best as well as characteristics of participants that found the Facebook component most useful.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Written, Oral, and Social Media Communication
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
- Taren Swindle, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Wendy Ward, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell EdD, Unversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 9.1. Communicate effectively in written, visual, and oral form, with individuals, the media, and other groups, in ways that are appropriate for diverse audiences.
- 8.7 Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences
- 10.1 Analyze, evaluate, and interpret nutrition education research and apply it to practice
CDR Performance Indicators
- 9.3 Designs, selects and implements education strategies to meet the learning needs of the individual, group, community and population.
- 12.1.1 Promotes nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food security, nutritional health and overall health and wellness.
- 12.4.2 Collaborates with community partners to implement programs based on the assessed needs, values, beliefs, limitations and strengths of the population.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation
- 9020 Evaluation and application of research
- 4020 Community program development

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust unprecedented pressures onto every person and onto all aspects of life, such as health, wellbeing, safety, economic livelihood and nutrition. While good nutrition and a well-balanced diet are essential to keeping people healthy -- especially in times of a global pandemic, not everyone has access to healthy, affordable foods for themselves and their families.
Never has the role of nutrition educators been more important than right now. Join us November 18, 2020, for a joint webinar with the SNEB Advisory Committee on Public Policy and the Nutrition Educators in the Food Sector Division to discuss 'The importance of nutrition and food security during COVID: A closer look at resilient resources and adaptable programming at the community level.' Attendees will hear examples of adaptable nutrition education efforts including programs and resources that can make a difference in today's ever-changing environment, as well as learn about the latest policy and regulatory efforts related to food security and food and nutrition assistance programs. Webinar organized by the SNEB Advisory Committee on Public Policy and the Nutrition Educators in the Food Sector Division.
- Megan Bradley, RDN, National Manager of Food Skills Education Cooking Matters Share Our Strength
- Katie Brown, EdD, RDN, Senior Vice President Sustainable Nutrition, National Dairy Council
- Matthew J. Landry, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University, School of Medicine, Stanford Prevention Research Center
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 5.5. Describe ways to collaborate with community members and other professionals to create communities and settings in which healthy food options are easy, affordable, and desired and unhealthy foods are less prominent and less desired.
- 9.4. Advocate effectively for action-oriented nutrition education and healthy diets in various sectors and settings.
- 8.8. Apply inclusive participatory approaches that enable the target population to effectively communicate, share experiences, identify personal needs, and manage personal food behaviors.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 3.3.4 Engages in active discussions with others to establish a method to best meet and serve the needs of the customer and the population.
- 3.3.5 Advocates for public health and wellness within the context of the organization and community
- 3.1.3 Takes initiative to facilitate change
- 4.1.5 Recognizes situations where services provided to a customer should be adjusted, limited, modified or discontinued.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4020 Community program development
- 4070 Food security and hunger
- 4080 Government-funded Food & Nutrition Programs

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This session will describe our NIFA-funded Childhood Obesity grant, Healthy Schoolhouse 2.0. This project uses the Social Ecological Model to address childhood obesity in elementary schools using teachers as agents and educational materials produced by Food and Nutrition Services. We will present our methods, survey instruments, and data from the first year of completion of the project.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Nutrition Education Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
- Anastasia Snelling, PHD, RD, American University Department of Health Studies
- Sarah Irvine Belson, PhD, American University, School of Education
- Melissa Hawkins PhD, American University Department of Health Studies
- Robin McClave MS American University Department of Health Studies
- Caitlin Lavigne MS American University Department of Health Studies
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 8.7. Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences.
- 2.2 Use information from the appropriate national or international nutrient references and dietary guidelines to make dietary recommendations for each phase of the life cycle.
- 7.3 Describe the major theories of teaching and learning and apply them to nutrition education.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 9.2.3 Applies educational theories and uses assessment results for planning process and development of materials and teaching aids
- 6.3.7 Interprets data to make recommendations and to form realistic and valid conclusions.
- 8.2.4 Imparts knowledge of the importance of physical activity and applies behavior change principles to promote physical activity and decrease inactivity
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation
- 6040 Education theories and techniques for children and adolescents
- 9070 Research instruments and techniques

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Covid 19 and Food Security: Focus on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
This session focuses on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), also known as the Farmers to Families Food Box Program, funded under the CARES Act. Given pandemic-related unemployment and disruptions in the food supply chain, the Food Box Program aims to provide farmers with a new market for their product no longer needed by restaurants and schools; fresh-food aggregators the ability to remain financially solvent; and food insecure consumers mainly fresh foods. It appears, however, that the program may not reach the most vulnerable farmers and regional aggregators, and has problems going ‘the last mile’ to or meeting the needs of at-risk consumers. The perspectives of two participating organizations will highlight the role of nutrition education as well as overall challenges and opportunities with the Food Box Program. Policy implications and recommendations for future programs will be discussed. Webinar organized by the Sustainable Food Systems Division.
- JoAnne Burke, PhD, Clinical Professor, Emerita, Univ of New Hampshire
- Jeannie House, Program Coordinator, Pacific Mountain Workforce/Worksource
- Andy Naja-Riese, MSPH, CEO, Agricultural Institute of Marin
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 5.2. Describe the roles of government agencies in regulating food systems and the food supply.
- 5.3. Describe the history, purpose and funding of key pieces of legislation that authorize programs supporting nutrition education, research, and food assistance to address malnutrition and food security and to promote health.
- 6.4. Describe ways to collaborate with other stakeholders to promote policies supporting systems that produce healthy food.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 8.2.5 Keeps abreast of, advocates for and integrates knowledge of national and local funding models that impact the population and services provided.
- 12.1.3 Collaborates with community partners and stakeholders in promoting nutritional health and disease prevention.
- 12.1.4 Influences legislation, regulation, and policy changes to impact nutrition in the community.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4070 Food security and hunger
- 4080 Government-funded Food & Nutrition Programs
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
The objective of the HEalthy EnviROnments study (HEROs) is to develop and test a technology-based, interactive family intervention to promote healthy eating and activity behaviors (and ultimately weight outcomes) for young children in the home environment. Ecocultural theory was the proposed framework for informing and designing the HEROs intervention. In addition, a mixed-methods iterative design approach was used throughout the entirety of HEROs to understand the interactions between individual behaviors and environments. This webinar will outline the formative research phase of HEROs and the methodologies proposed to garner insights into 4 key topic areas: food behaviors and environments, physical activity behaviors and environments, mobile device use, and daily life.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Nutrition Education Research Methods
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
- Laura Bellows, PhD, MPH, RDN, Colorado State University
- Susan Johnson, PhD, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 2.1 Identify the primary dietary issues for each phase of the life cycle.
- 8.1 Assess the nutritional and behavioral needs of the population (to establish behavior change goals).
- 8.3 Identify the theory-based mediators and facilitators of behavior change, using a participatory approach, including social and environmental influences.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.1.4 Collects qualitative and quantitative data using mixed methodologies and interprets information.
- 8.2.1 Assesses the physical, social and cultural needs of the individual, group, community or population.
- 9.1.5 Assesses, evaluates and applies educational theories.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4020 Community program development
- 6010 Behavior change theories, techniques
- 9020 Evaluation and application of research

Friday Nov 06, 2020
What Did You Say Vs. What Did You Mean
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
In an era of “fake news” when the majority of our clientele are getting nutrition and food information online from unreliable sources, nutrition educators need to effectively communicate evidence-based information and break through the noise. This introduction to health literacy and clear communication is a free preview of the workshop series planned by the Food Nutrition Extension Education Division. These sessions will teach educators essential skills to communicate evidence-based messaging to diverse underserved audiences.
About the Presenters
Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, M.Ed., Tufts University School of Medicine and Principal of Kurtz-Rossi & Associates [Trainer #1]
Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, M.Ed., is Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine and Director of the Health Literacy Leadership Institute. She is also Principal of Kurtz-Rossi & Associates, a women-owned business offering health, literacy, education, and evaluation services, and an internationally recognized health literacy specialist integrating health and literacy education, enhancing patient-provider communication, and developing plain language health education resources to reach diverse audiences.
Ms. Kurtz-Rossi’s health literacy study and practice focuses on teaching in the community and training health professionals. She received the 2016 Health Literacy Teaching Award from the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) for her work with health professions students. In 2017, she received an Innovations in Diversity Education Award from the Deans Office at Tufts University School of Medicine to exam online discussion as an instruction as an instructional methods for teaching health literacy and cultural humility. She was honored in 2018 by the Asian Health Literacy Association for her work to establish the International Health Literacy Association (IHLA) in support of professionals all over the world working to improve health literacy. IHLA is presently planning the first ever global health literacy summit which is scheduled for 2021
Elena T. Carbone, DrPH, RD, LDN, FAND, University of Massachusetts Amherst [Trainer #2]
Dr. Carbone has over 25 years of experience in health education and nutrition communications. Her mixed methods research engages multi-ethnic communities with low health literacy skills and integrates behavioral interventions to promote health and prevent chronic disease complications. She has served as Principle Investigator (PI) of numerous community-based research studies. Most recently she was PI of a maternal health literacy grant with colleagues from Ghana, Australia, England and the US. She has just published a co-authored text book chapter entitled, Reintegrate Empowerment & Health Literacy to Advance Public Health and Healthcare Delivery (IOS Press, 2020).
Dr. Carbone is a Registered Dietitian and Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is Professor and Chair of Department of Nutrition at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She also serves as Co-Chair of the International Health Literacy Association’s Standing Committee on Policy & Advocacy and the UMass Amherst representative on the WorldWide University Network’s Public Health Steering Group. She has served as an Editorial Committee member of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior and the Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy. Dr. Carbone is also Founding Director of the Community-Engaged Research Program at the Commonwealth Honors College and she been an Advisory Board Member and Instructor at the Gustolab Institute Center for Food and Culture in Rome, Italy since 2012.
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 9.3 Engage and educate through simple, clear, and motivational language appropriate for diverse audiences.
- 8.7 Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences.
- 1.8 Critically evaluate the source of materials that provide nutrition information.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 2.1.3 Tailors message to meet the needs of the target audience
- 2.1.7 Delivers information and opinions in a respectful and professional manner.
- 2.1.6 Evaluates the effectiveness of the communication.
- 9.4.6 Uses socially and culturally appropriate strategies in order to respect diverse cultures and values.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 6050 Instructional materials development

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Safe Food Handling Advice Provided on Question-and-Answer Web Sites Is Inconsistent
Consumers increasingly use discussion forums and community-based websites on the Internet to obtain health-related information, including advice about food safety and safe food handling. However, information shared among consumers and their peers online may not be accurate or trustworthy. This presentation will discuss a recent study that evaluated the accuracy and reliability of safe food handling advice identified on four popular online question-and-answer websites. The implications for educators, researchers, and decision-makers will be discussed.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Food Science
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
Ian Young, PhD, BASc, CPHI(C), Ryerson University
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 3.3. Describe the potential sources of food contamination and the best practices associated with the safe handling of food.
- 9.2 Facilitate communication from and between clients so they can express their beliefs and attitudes, define needs, and share experiences.
- 10.1 Analyze, evaluate, and interpret nutrition education research and apply it to practice.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 8.1.2 Applies knowledge of food and nutrition as well as the biological, physical and social sciences in practice.
- 9.4.1 Assesses current knowledge and skills of the individual, group, community and population.
- 12.4.3 Utilizes appropriate behavioral change theories, social marketing, behavior economics and communication strategies in the delivery of nutrition programs.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 2080 Microbiology, food toxicology
- 6030 Education theories and techniques for adults
- 8040 Food safety, HACCP, and sanitation

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
This presentation will use school share table policies as an example of the competency 5.5 on Food and Nutrition Policy. First, we will describe the qualitative analysis of state-level share table policies. Next, we will describe how these policies have been put into practice in collaboration with local health departments. Finally, we will discuss subsequent qualitative research findings where we interviewed local health inspectors to determine their concerns with share table operation.
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competency: Food and Nutrition Policy
The Fall Journal Club series is supported by Elsevier. If you are not an SNEB member use the code JNEBJCCOMP to receive free registration as their guest.
About the Presenters
- Melissa Pflugh Prescott, PhD, RDN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Alicia Grove, MS, RDN, Colorado Department of Education, School Nutrition Unit
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 5.5 Describe ways to collaborate with community members and other professionals to create communities and settings in which healthy food options are easy, affordable, and desired and unhealthy foods are less prominent and less desired.
- 5.2 Describe the roles of government agencies in regulating food systems and the food supply.
- 3.3 Describe the potential sources of food contamination and the best practices associated with the safe handling of food.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 12.1.2 Leads or participates in the development of food, nutrition and health policies.
- 7.2.2 Develops and provides education and counseling on safe food-handling and sustainable practices to prevent and minimize contamination
- 3.3.4 Engages in active discussions with others to establish a method to best meet and serve the needs of the customer and the population
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation
- 8040 Food safety, HACCP, and sanitation
- 4070 Food security and hunger

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020