
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Careers in Sustainable Food Systems
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Career opportunities in Sustainable Food Systems cross the spectrum of environment and agriculture, food security and social justice. This panel presentation will share perspectives from three professionals in the field – a graduate of nutrition science who now owns and runs a small family farm, a professor of Food Systems with a focus on Agritourism, and a food systems stakeholder and advocate who previously worked in the organic food industry and now supports education across community settings. This webinar is sponsored by the Sustainable Food Systems Division.
- Lisa Chase, PhD – Author of “Food, Farms, and Community: Exploring Food Systems” and Extension Professor/Director, Vermont Tourism Research Center at the University of Vermont (will provide academic and tourism sector perspective)
- Steve Crider – Farm-to-School Lead for Viva Farms and formerly with Amy's Kitchen, a pioneer in the organic foods movement (will provider food industry perspective)
- Giana Cioni – Graduate of Nutrition program with minor in Food Systems, now owner and operator (with her partner) of The Crows Farm in Skagit Valley, WA (will provide producer perspective)
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 5.4. Describe the history and current roles of governmental and nongovernmental organizations that develop and implement nutrition education programs and related health promotion or food security activities.
- 5.5. Describe ways to collaborate with community members and other professionals to create communities and settings in which healthy food options are easy, affordable, and desired and unhealthy foods are less prominent and less
desired. - 6.4. Describe ways to collaborate with other stakeholders to promote policies supporting systems that produce healthy food.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 3.2.2 Participates in professional and personal development activities for career growth and skill enhancement.
- 3.3.4 Engages in active discussions with others to establish a method to best meet and serve the needs of the customer
- 12.2.3 Identifies individual, public/private organization and government roles and responsibilities within public health and health care systems.
- 12.2.5 Collaborates with stakeholders to determine level of support, opportunities and risks
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 7010 Business plan development
- 7070 Entrepreneurship, private practice
- 7200 Team building

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Journal Club: Reliability and Construct Validity of a Questionnaire
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Using valid and reliable outcome measures is critical to assessing the effectiveness of nutrition education programs but, oftentimes, measures do not exist for the outcomes of interest. In this presentation, we will discuss psychometric analysis methods for validity and reliability testing of infant feeding education questions for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Specifically, we will discuss why we selected the particular construct validity and reliability tests used, how the research was designed for each test, and the strengths and possible limitations of each test. Finally, we will share how we analyzed and reported our results for the construct validity and reliability tests and the lessons we learned from this psychometric analysis study.
- Alexandra L. MacMillan Uribe, PhD, RDN, Cornell University
- Beth Olson, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 8.10 Design process and outcome evaluation plans, based on behavior change mediators and program objectives, using appropriate data collection methods.
- 8.11 Revise the program based on process and outcome evaluation findings, as appropriate.
- 10.1. Analyze, evaluate, and interpret nutrition education research and apply it to practice.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of research instruments and tools (e.g., surveys, interview tools) to support research initiatives.
- 6.3.4 Defines and establishes appropriate measurements and evaluations.
- 6.3.5 Identifies and designs appropriate research instruments or tools.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation
- 9060 Research development and design
- 9070 Research instruments and techniques

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
What's New with the Nutrition Facts Label: Updates for Nutrition Educators
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), the Federal agency responsible for the Nutrition Facts label, as well as the nutrition education and outreach related to the label, will share background and an in-depth tour of the updated Nutrition Facts label. CFSAN staff will also share results of consumer formative research that shaped nutrition education messages and provide information on an evidence-based consumer education campaign on the Nutrition Facts label and resources available to educate community and school-based audiences on the label.
- Maya Maroto, EdD, MPH, RD, FDA, Public Health Educator, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
- Kathleen Yu, MPH, Social Scientist, FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Dietetic Intern Learning Opportunities
This presentation will provide Dietetic Interns tools that they need to conduct educational outreach on the Nutrition Facts label.
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 1.4. Explain how to use food labeling to evaluate the appropriateness of a food.
- 5.1. Describe the roles of government agencies in regulating the manufacturing, labeling and advertising of individual foods and dietary supplements
- 5.4. Describe the history and current roles of governmental and nongovernmental organizations that develop and implement nutrition education programs and related health promotion or food security activities.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.3.8 Interprets, analyzes, synthesizes and critically appraises research findings.
- 9.4.2 Selects and uses appropriate content and teaching methods to meet individual and group needs
- 12.1.1 Promotes nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food security, nutritional health and overall health and wellness.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4030 Dietary guidelines, DRIs, Choose My Plate, food labeling
- 4100 Social Marketing
- 6000 Education, Training, and Counseling

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Adapting Nutrition Education for Diverse Populations During COVID-19
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
This session describes successful outcomes of three online nutrition programs. The first adapted an in-person curriculum for online use and implemented an 8-week nutrition education program with Black women to evaluate outcomes such as health-related knowledge, diet, and physical activity. Two 8-week online nutrition interventions were adapted from in-person curricula and piloted for youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Feasibility and acceptability of virtual implementations of early childhood and adolescent interventions for youth with ASD were examined, as well as feasibility of virtually administering their outcome measures, including dietary intake and psychosocial determinants of dietary intake.
- Sa'Nealdra Wiggins, BS; Doctoral Candidate; Community Nutrition; University of Tennessee
- Heewon Gray, PhD, RDN; Assistant Professor; College of Public Health; University of South Florida
- Acadia Buro, MS; Doctoral Candidate; College of Public Health; University of South Florida
Dietetic Intern Learning Opportunities
The session will describe how three nutrition education interventions were adapted and delivered in an online format. Dietetic Interns may learn how to develop educational materials and implement telehealth nutrition education for a specific population. They will also learn how to evaluate feasibility and outcomes of nutrition education programs.
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 8.2. Determine the behavior change goals of the program.
- 8.5. Develop educational objectives based on the identified theory-based mediators of change from a theoretical model
or framework. - 8.7. Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 9.3.2 Develops and/or selects a variety of learning activities based on a plan of action and outcomes, and the needs of the individual, group, community and population.
- 9.3.3 Develops and/or selects culturally sensitive, evidence-based materials that are appropriate to the audience.
- 12.4.2 Collaborates with community partners to implement programs based on the assessed needs, values, beliefs, limitations and strengths of the population.
- 12.4.5 Provides nutrition information and education to the community.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4010 Community intervention, monitoring, and evaluation
- 6050 Instructional materials development
- 9020 Evaluation and application of research

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Meaningfully Engaging & Retaining Older Adults in Nutrition Research and Education
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Dr. XinQi Dong, MD, MPH, is a geriatrician and director of the Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research. He will share methods and techniques for recruiting and retaining older adults in social behavioral research studies, with a specific emphasis on working with members of underrepresented communities. Using the Population Study of ChINese Elderly (PINE Study) as a framework, Dr. Dong will introduce this longitudinal study and share his ongoing learnings as principal investigator. He will also share best practices for community outreach, engagement, the use of social media and technology, and the dissemination of early results as a means of recruitment and long-term retention of study participants.
- XinQi Dong, MD, MPH, Director, IFH, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers University
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 1.6. Describe the basic types of approaches used by researchers to study diet-health relationships and describe their
advantages and limitations. - 7.1. Describe the biological, psychological, social, cultural, political, and economic determinants of eating behavior, and
the associated opportunities and barriers to achieving optimal health and quality of life. - 9.1. Communicate effectively in written, visual, and oral form, with individuals, the media, and other groups, in ways
that are appropriate for diverse audiences.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of research instruments and tools (e.g., surveys, interview tools) to support research initiatives.
- 6.2.5 Applies research/evidence-based findings to improve practice, service delivery, and health and nutrition of customers.
- 8.2.2 Applies knowledge of health determinants when planning, developing and implementing services, programs, meal plans and menus.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4040 Disease prevention, health promotion
- 9060 Research development and design
- 9070 Research instruments and techniques

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Spring Journal Club: Analysis of Large Data Set
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a downloadable public-use dataset that provides information on socioeconomic, food security, diet and health related information of a nationally representative sample of U.S. population of all ages. In the presentation, a secondary data analyses of NHANES will be discussed in testing hypotheses related to food insecurity and breastfeeding practices.
- Jigna M. Dharod, PhD, University of North Carolina- Greensboro
- Sandra Echeverria, PhD, University of North Carolina- Greensboro
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 1.6. Describe the basic types of approaches used by researchers to study diet-health relationships and describe their advantages and limitations.
- 2.1. Identify the primary dietary issues for each phase of the life cycle.
- 10.1. Analyze, evaluate, and interpret nutrition education research and apply it to practice.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of research instruments and tools (e.g., surveys, interview tools) to support research initiatives.
- 6.3.4 Defines and establishes appropriate measurements and evaluations.
- 12.2.7 Utilizes applicable databases to analyze and assess variables associated with the target population.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4050 Epidemiology
- 4070 Food security and hunger
- 9020 Evaluation and application of research

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
This webinar series will cover campus, state, and federal level outreach and advocacy approaches related to increasing college student access to and enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Participants will be provided an overview of the issues college students face in regards to accessing SNAP and examples of how advocates have worked to overcome these challenges at multiple policy levels.
- Matthew J. Landry, PhD, RDN, Stanford Prevention Research Center,
- Chris Baker, Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon
- Ashlyn Anderson, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Dietetic Intern Learning Opportunities
Active learning opportunities are not planned for the presentation. However, the content of this webinar could be beneficial to dietetic interns as they advance into their careers and may seek to work with SNAP populations. As a result, this may be a webinar that DI directors elect to include in their curriculum as they are looking for more online opportunities for their interns during the pandemic. Further, preceptors or DI directors may look for opportunities to have dietetic students work on some of the advocacy opportunities mentioned by the speakers.
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 5.3. Describe the history, purpose and funding of key pieces of legislation that authorize programs supporting nutrition
education, research, and food assistance to address malnutrition and food security and to promote health. - 5.4. Describe the history and current roles of governmental and nongovernmental organizations that develop and implement
nutrition education programs and related health promotion or food security activities. - 5.5. Describe ways to collaborate with community members and other professionals to create communities and settings
in which healthy food options are easy, affordable, and desired and unhealthy foods are less prominent and less
CDR Performance Indicators
- 12.1.1 Promotes nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food security, nutritional health and overall health and wellness.
- 12.1.2 Leads or participates in the development of food, nutrition and health policies.
- 12.4.4 Identifies and implements strategies for reaching individuals and populations in collaboration with stakeholders.
- 3.2.7 Contributes to the development and revision of government policies.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 4070 Food security and hunger
- 4080 Government-funded Food & Nutrition Programs
- 1080 Legislation, public policy

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Enhancing SNEB Member Research Capacity: A Webinar Series
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Given the increased interest in nutrition research by NIH, this first webinar in a series will feature three SNEB members who have successfully navigated the NIH research funding arena. They will share their personal research journeys; provide insights into preparing for and writing a NIH submission. This webinar is sponsored by the SNEB Research Division. This research series is supported by Elsevier.
- Madeleine Sigman-Grant, PhD, Professor Emerita, University of Nevada, Reno
- Chelsea Renee Singleton, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Taren Swindle, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, PhD, MPH, RD, University of Minnesota
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 8.9. Develop a timeline and budget for program development, implementation, and evaluation, including personnel,
supplies, and overhead costs. - 8.10. Design process and outcome evaluation plans, based on behavior change mediators and program objectives,
using appropriate data collection methods. - 10.1. Analyze, evaluate, and interpret nutrition education research and apply it to practice.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 6.2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of research instruments and tools (e.g., surveys, interview tools) to support research initiatives.
- 6.3.2 Conceptualizes and formulates research hypotheses.
- 6.3.4 Defines and establishes appropriate measurements and evaluations.
- 6.3.8 Interprets, analyzes, synthesizes and critically appraises research findings.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 1010 Career planning, Standards of Practice, Standards of Professional Performance, Scope of Dietetics Practice Framework
- 9040 Proposal development, grant applications
- 9060 Research development and design

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
The opioid crisis has health professionals and consumers looking for alternative ways to manage conditions like osteoarthritis. Should nutrition educators tell clients/patients with osteoarthritis to go Mediterranean to reduce their pain and improve their function? Evidence for the efficacy of weight loss as well as quality of diet and dietary supplements will be reviewed. Resources for consumers/patients will be highlighted. This webinar is sponsored by the Healthy Aging Division.
- Kathryn Kolasa PhD, RDN, LDN, Professor Emerita, Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
- Tovah Wolf, PhD, MS, RDN, Assistant Professor, Western Carolina University
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 3.4. Explain how to plan, select, prepare, and manage foods to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, communities
and the food system. - 9.4. Advocate effectively for action-oriented nutrition education and healthy diets in various sectors and settings.
- 8.7. Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 1.3.4 Communicates the risks, benefits, disadvantages, alternatives, and cost of the proposed treatment plan, contract, and statement of terms or scope of work and confirms customer understanding.
- 2.1.3 Tailors message to meet the needs of the target audience
- 4.1.2 Integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision making.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 5120 Autoimmune diseases, arthritis, lupus
- 5370 Weight management, obesity
- 6020 Counseling, therapy, and facilitation skills

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
How Do We Handle A Pandemic? Strategies for DPD and DI Programs During COVID-19
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
In March 2020, the entire world changed and we all began an experience that no one saw coming -- a worldwide pandemic. The dietetics faculty at Marshall University immediately began considering how this would impact our students' education and financial situation, along with the social and emotional impact this would have on everyone. The faculty at Marshall changed program delivery to accommodate changes brought forth by COVID to provide exceptional learning opportunities for undergraduate students and dietetic interns, both virtually and face-to-face. Join us to learn about methods to implement in dietetics programs, including relevant internship rotations for both on-site and distance interns, adjustments to food laboratory courses, and how we can work together to benefit our profession during this time. With everyone making changes related to the current pandemic, this information is relevant to educators in higher education, as well as preceptors and future employers of these students.
- Mallory Mount, EdD, RDN, LD, CDCES, FAND, Marshall University
- Amy Gannon, EdD, RDN, LD, Marshall University
Education Benefits
Participants of this webinar will receive 1 CEU for live attendance. The webinar provides information on the following:
SNEB Nutrition Educator Competencies
- 8.7. Design or select strategies, activities and materials that match the objectives and are appropriate for diverse audiences.
- 8.8. Apply inclusive participatory approaches that enable the target population to effectively communicate, share experiences,
identify personal needs, and manage personal food behaviors. - 8.11. Revise the program based on process and outcome evaluation findings, as appropriate.
CDR Performance Indicators
- 4.2 Reflects, integrates and evaluates using critical thinking when faced with problems, issues and challenges.
- 8.3 Demonstrates a commitment to maintaining and enhancing knowledge.
- 9.2 Establishes, develops and implements program outlines and learning plans to meet the needs of various individuals, groups and populations.
- 9.4 Teaches, guides and instructs a variety of individuals, groups or populations.
CDR Learning Need Codes
- 1070 Leadership, critical and strategic thinking
- 6060 Learning needs assessment, learning plan development, & evaluation